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Raphael Affinito Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building raa5627@psu.edu |
Richard Alley Evan Pugh University Professor Department of Geosciences 517B Deike Building 814-863-1700 rba6@psu.edu |
Safiya Alpheus Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building sza5393@psu.edu |
Charles Ammon Professor and Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs Department of Geosciences 440 Deike 814-865-2310 charlesammon@psu.edu |
Sridhar Anandakrishnan Professor Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 513A Deike 814-863-6742 sxa17@psu.edu |
Michael Arthur Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building maa6@psu.edu |
Allison Baczynski Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building 717-977-1282 aab27@psu.edu |
Bill Ballock Engineering Support Specialist Department of Geosciences 506 Deike Building wjb22@psu.edu |
Zachary Baran Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building zxb62@psu.edu |
Adam Benfield Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403 Deike Building ajb6052@psu.edu |
Heike Betz Research Technologist Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building 814-863-4426 hsb6@psu.edu |
David Bice Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-865-4477 dmb53@psu.edu |
Timothy Bralower Professor Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building bralower@psu.edu |
Susan Brantley Evan Pugh University Professor Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 311 Hosler Building sxb7@psu.edu |
Danielle Buchheister Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building dob5203@psu.edu |
Enock Bunyon M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building eqb5508@psu.edu |
Rebecca Bussard Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, EMS Energy Institute 442 Deike Building rqb5400@psu.edu |
Benjamin Cardenas Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 209 Deike Buiding btcardenas@psu.edu |
Luis Alejandro Giraldo Ceron M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building agiraldo@psu.edu |
Watsawan Chanchai Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building wzc5325@psu.edu |
Rory Changleng Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 438 rmc6312@psu.edu |
Hee Choi Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building hxc5400@psu.edu |
Dongyoun Chung Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building dmc6486@psu.edu |
Claire Cleveland Visiting Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building czc5669@psu.edu |
Charlotte Connop Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building cvc5644@psu.edu |
Roman DiBiase Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 340 Deike Building 814-865-7388 rdibiase@psu.edu |
Erin DiMaggio Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 308 Deike Building 814-865-7390 dimaggio@psu.edu |
Hanh-Tu Ella Do M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building hed5147@psu.edu |
Gabriel Rocha Dos Santos Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building grd5166@psu.edu |
Nisa Downey M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building nmd5894@psu.edu |
Juliana Drozd Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 236 jkd5941@psu.edu |
David Early M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike dre5084@psu.edu |
Dave Eggler Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dhe1@psu.edu |
Agathe Eijsink Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, EMS Energy Institute 231 Hosler Building ame6096@psu.edu |
Derek Elsworth G. Albert Shoemaker Chair and Professor Department of Geosciences 231 Hosler Building 814-865-2225 elsworth@psu.edu |
Terry Engelder Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building jte2@psu.edu |
Matthew Fantle Professor Department of Geosciences 339 Deike Building 814-863-9968 msf17@psu.edu |
Maureen Feineman Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 308 Deike Building 814-863-7400 mdf12@psu.edu |
Isabel Fendley Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 311 Deike Building ivf5060@psu.edu |
Donald Fisher Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Programs Department of Geosciences 339 Deike Building 814-865-3206 dmf6@psu.edu |
Bradford Foley Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Buiding 814-863-3591 bjf5382@psu.edu |
Brandon Fong Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 338 Deike Building brandonfong@psu.edu |
Chris Forest Professor Department of Geosciences, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 507 Walker Building 814-865-0710 ceforest@psu.edu |
Katherine Freeman Evan Pugh University Professor Department of Geosciences 235 Deike Building 814-863-8177 khf4@psu.edu |
Kevin Furlong Professor Department of Geosciences 413A Deike Building 814-863-0567 kpf1@psu.edu |
Tanya Furman Research Professor Department of Geosciences 333 Deike Building 814-865-5782 tfl3@psu.edu |
Joshua Garber Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 542 Deike Building jxg1395@psu.edu |
Gabriela Gesualdo Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 441 Deike Building gqg5266@psu.edu |
Thomas Givens Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building tvg5301@psu.edu |
David "Duff" Gold Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dpg1@psu.edu |
Judit Gonzalez-Santana Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building jmg6885@psu.edu |
Earl Graham Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building ekg1@psu.edu |
Roy Greenfield Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rjg4@psu.edu |
Xiwei Guo Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 248 Deike Building xguo@psu.edu |
Antonia Hadjimichael Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building azh5924@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Hajek Associate Professor and Associate Head for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department of Geosciences 534 Deike Building 814-867-4418 hajek@psu.edu |
Kalev Hantsoo Visiting Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building kbh5220@psu.edu |
Gabriella Harris Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building gur53@psu.edu |
Emma Hartke Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building erh5454@psu.edu |
Amy Hasan Administrative Support Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116F Deike Building 814-865-2622 alh31@psu.edu |
Eric Hasegawa Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building emh6118@psu.edu |
Ran He Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building rbh5430@psu.edu |
Peter Heaney Professor Department of Geosciences 540 Deike Building 814-865-6821 pjh14@psu.edu |
Madison Hernandez M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building mjh7517@psu.edu |
Claire Hines M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 437 cvh5941@psu.edu |
Kyle Homman Researcher Department of Geosciences 402 Deike Building kah5265@psu.edu |
Jacob Hoover Undergraduate Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116H Deike Building 814-865-7791 jdh292@psu.edu |
Katie Horisk Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building keh5809@psu.edu |
Christopher House Interim Department Head and Professor Department of Geosciences 435 Deike Building 814-865-8802 chrishouse@psu.edu |
Rachel Housego Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 306 Deike Building rbh5532@psu.edu |
Jennifer Houser Graduate Student Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building jjh2@psu.edu |
Xiaoni Hu Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building xxh71@psu.edu |
Andrew Hyde Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building akh5390@psu.edu |
Miquela Ingalls Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 206 Deike Building TBD ingalls@psu.edu |
Kayla Irizarry Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building kmi5137@psu.edu |
Sarah Ivory Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 207 Deike Building 814-865-6173 sarah_ivory@psu.edu |
Aoshuang Ji Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building azj64@psu.edu |
Sarah Jonathan Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building srj5258@psu.edu |
James Kasting Evan Pugh University Professor Emeritus Department of Geosciences 435A Deike Building 814-865-3207 jfk4@psu.edu |
Brian Kelley Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 310 Deike Building 814-865-4517 brian.kelley@psu.edu |
Derrill Kerrick Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building k56@psu.edu |
Donggeon Kim Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 441 Deike Building dqk5671@psu.edu |
Young Cheol Kim Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building yvk5286@psu.edu |
Denali Kincaid Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 435 Deike Building dpk5581@psu.edu |
Yusuke Kubota Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building kubota@psu.edu |
Lee Kump Dean, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences 510 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 123 S. Burrowes Street 814-865-6546 lrk4@psu.edu |
Kimberly Lau Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 407 Deike Building 814-863-9775 kvlau@psu.edu |
Hanna Leapaldt Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403A Deike Building hcl5089@psu.edu |
Ian Lee Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building irl5041@psu.edu |
Li Li Professor, Environmental Engineering Department of Geosciences 0221A Sackett Building lxl35@psu.edu |
Max Lloyd Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 410 Deike Building (650) 804-5852 mkl5587@psu.edu |
Sinead Lyster Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building sjl6171@psu.edu |
Jennifer Macalady Professor Department of Geosciences 211 Deike Building 814-865-6330 jlm80@psu.edu |
Ophélie Michele Karen Macintosh Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building omm5285@psu.edu |
Chris Marone Professor Department of Geosciences 536 Deike Building 814-865-7964 cjm38@psu.edu |
Cole McCormick Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 409 Deike Building cole.mccormick@psu.edu |
Sierra Melton Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Off Site smm1084@psu.edu |
Frances Meyer Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 312 fmm5327@psu.edu |
Tushar Mittal Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 309 Deike Building tmittal@psu.edu |
Aristle Monteiro Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 335 ajm8854@psu.edu |
Esther Munoz Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building ecm5494@psu.edu |
Raymond Najjar Professor of Oceanography Department of Geosciences, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 522 Walker Building rgn1@psu.edu |
Oliver Neilson Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building obn5031@psu.edu |
Loren Newman Administrative Assistant - Senior Support Department of Geosciences 116D Deike Building 814-863-0633 ljn5212@psu.edu |
Robert (Caleb) Norville Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 403 rcn5097@psu.edu |
Andrew Nyblade Professor Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-863-8341 aan2@psu.edu |
Hiroshi Ohmoto Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building hqo@psu.edu |
Ellen Olsen Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 441 Deike Building evo5239@psu.edu |
Roger Ort Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building rco5102@psu.edu |
Byron Parizek Professor Department of Geosciences 517A Deike Bldg. 814-865-9319 brp106@psu.edu |
Richard Parizek Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rrp1@psu.edu |
Mark Patzkowsky Professor Department of Geosciences 539 Deike Building 814-863-1959 mep12@psu.edu |
Sara Peterson Alumni Awards and Stewardship Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building sfp3@psu.edu |
Karen Pham Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building kvp22@psu.edu |
Anastasia Piliouras Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 210 Deike Building apiliouras@psu.edu |
David Pollard Senior Research Associate, Emeritus Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 2217 Earth & Engineering Sci Bldg (814) 865-2022 dxp21@psu.edu |
VACANT POSITION Education Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 235 Deike Building 814-863-2650 N/A |
Sampath Rathnayaka Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute n/a scr5394@psu.edu |
Jesse Reimink Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 411 Deike Building 814-865-6666 jreimink@psu.edu |
Austin Robinette M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building acr5587@psu.edu |
Arthur Rose Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building awr1@psu.edu |
Nolan Roth Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building njr5569@psu.edu |
Laura Rush Administrative Support Assistant Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-867-4760 LBR5310@psu.edu |
Alexandra Sabattier M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building axs707@psu.edu |
Jackson Saftner Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 36 Deike Building jfs6821@psu.edu |
Youki Sato Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building yws5168@psu.edu |
Bob Schmalz Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rfs3@psu.edu |
Erik Schoonover Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403 Deike Building ejschoonover@psu.edu |
Emily Schwans Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building eps5217@psu.edu |
Leila Joyce Seals Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike lmj5582@psu.edu |
Samuel Shaheen Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building sws41@psu.edu |
Noshin Sharmili Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 439 nvs5791@psu.edu |
Claire Shaughnessy Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building czw188@psu.edu |
Junzhu Shen Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building jxs2475@psu.edu |
Garrett Shepherd Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building gls5392@psu.edu |
Rudy Slingerland Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rxs15@psu.edu |
Hillary Smith M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building hhs5048@psu.edu |
Andrew Smye Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 332 Deike Building 814-865-5530 aus702@psu.edu |
Todd Sowers Senior Scientist, Emeritus Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 317a Earth and Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-1921 sowers@geosc.psu.edu |
Edward Spagnuolo Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 312 ejs5902@psu.edu |
Ava Spangler M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building aas6791@psu.edu |
Adam Stone Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building ats5482@psu.edu |
Leonie Strobl Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building las6938@psu.edu |
Miranda Sturtz Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 236 mbs6874@psu.edu |
Steve Swavely Research Support Technologist III Department of Geosciences 509 Deike Building sls71@psu.edu |
Kati Taylor Financial Associate Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences 510 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub klt5425@psu.edu |
Alexander Thames Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building ayt5134@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Tofte M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building ert5224@psu.edu |
Barry Voight Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Building bxv1@psu.edu |
Anna Waldeck Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 409 Deike Building afw5184@psu.edu |
Jasmine Walker Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 519 Deike Building jasminewalker@psu.edu |
Tengxiang Wang Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building wangtengxiang@psu.edu |
Zhinong Wang Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building zfw5324@psu.edu |
Christelle Wauthier Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 442 Deike Building 814-863-6649 cuw25@psu.edu |
Em White M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Room 438 elw5457@psu.edu |
Timothy White Research Professor Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 2217 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-2213 tsw113@psu.edu |
William "Will" White Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building wbw2@psu.edu |
Chris Widga Director, EMS Museum and Art Gallery Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences, Museum / Art Gallery 6 Deike Building 814-863-6017 cxw5766@psu.edu |
Peter Wilf Professor Department of Geosciences 537 Deike Building 814-865-6721 pwilf@psu.edu |
Amanda Willet Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building agw5152@psu.edu |
Jixin Yang Visiting Scholar Department of Geosciences 427 Deike Building jby5363@psu.edu |
Leah Youngquist Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building lzy5182@psu.edu |
Pengliang Yu Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 231 Hosler Building pmy5077@psu.edu |
Dayang Zhou Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dmz5355@psu.edu |
Tieyuan Zhu Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 406 Deike Building 814-863-7112 tyzhu@psu.edu |